Landing and Subsequent Goods question

Canada Immigration Forum (discussion group)

Subject: Landing and Subsequent Goods question
  Landing Experts:

What happens if you land, give your goods now and goods-to-follow lists, and then later (after landing) realize you want to bring in more personal effects (goods)? Do you pay some kind of import tax on those goods - if so what percentage is it?

And what if you buy a car (in U.S.) after having landed and returned to the U.S., and did not include that car as part of the original landing and importation. Can you then import the car later even though you´ve already completed landing?

Thanks much.

(in reply to: Landing and Subsequent Goods question)
Hi Richard

Sorry for off topic question, but what are your reasons for moving to Canada? I couldn`t reply in the other thread that you started, because of limit 10 replies.

(in reply to: Landing and Subsequent Goods question)
Thanks to Anon #1 for info. Have hard time giving honest, personal reasons for moving to someone with disguised alias (Anon), not that it should make a difference.
(in reply to: Landing and Subsequent Goods question)
Ok, I changed my mind. It shouldn´t matter under what name the question is posed and I´m glad we´re discussing these things.

I think it´s become a bit of an obsession for me these last 18 months since application. I´m so disgusted with this country´s (U.S.) policies, especialy these last 6 years. Invading other countries, overall arrogant foreign policy, denial of climate change, government influenced by huge coprporations, fatcats in charge giving tax breaks to the wealthy, disinterest that 45 million U.S. citizens lack healthcare, extreme economic differences between the rich and poor, crime and violence, easy access to guns as a "right", ignorance of and disinterest in the rest of the world, merging of God and religion in public policy, self-righteousness that "God is on our side", and the McCarthyistic super patriotism now so pervasive that questions anyone who doubts these things.

Canada is clearly on a different track, and it´s a track that agrees with my spirit and soul.

Didn´t mean to sound so negative in above rant, but wanted to share these thoughts as requested and if anyone was interested. Other´s opinions on this topic recently posted were quite interesting, with many similarly along these lines.

In the meantime, good luck to all in getting that visa and making the move, whether for these reasons or not.

(in reply to: Landing and Subsequent Goods question)
Thanks Richard for your honesty. I agree with you 100%.
Good luck with your move.

(in reply to: Landing and Subsequent Goods question)
Thanks, Anon. Good luck to you too. I´m sure we´ll both be there soon.
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