sponsoring parents

Canada Immigration Forum (discussion group)

Subject: sponsoring parents
  What are the current processing times for sponsoring parents from India?

We sent in the application to CIC missisauga in feb/march 2006. I was expecting it to take about 2 years.

But when I checked the ´processing times´ at the CIC website, the time for processing in canada itself is more than 2 years, while that in New Delhi office is anywhere between 2 years and 4 years.

Does that mean that altogether, it might take upto 6 years??????? It is a simple straightforward application. They don´t have any support obligations etc. Please advise?

(in reply to: sponsoring parents)
i passed through a same question before..
you schould consider the processing time where you submitted your application which is in misisauga.

no need to add app time for new delhi


please correct me if im wrong

(in reply to: sponsoring parents)
complexity of the application is not the cause of the wait. Volume of applications is the problem.
(in reply to: sponsoring parents)
Thanks..so the processing time is the one in Missauga. I don´t need to worry abt that in India.

But isn´t it true that after preliminary processing in Canada, the file is send to the local office in the applicants home country. A little confused here..:o)

(in reply to: sponsoring parents)
yes, once you are approved, the file goes to the applicants home country.

I believe the 2 processing times must be added together.

again, this is a volume/quota delay not a complexity issue.

(in reply to: sponsoring parents)
www.sponsoryourparents.ca or go to www.cic.gc.ca and click on in Canada 26 months to approve the sponsor by checking the person´s Low Income Cut Off and whether they have valid status in Canada.
Then India http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/times-int/08-fc-parents.html
21-45 additional months so in theory SEVENTY ONE MONTHS and still 20% of the applicants will not be finialized.


(in reply to: sponsoring parents)
71 months in theory? I just..I think its preposterous. Its unfair that people at that age are made to wait for so long to join their sons and daughters.

Are there no quicker ways(relatively speaking)? Special circumstances etc?

(in reply to: sponsoring parents)
I guess the question becomes...what is fair. There is the provision for humane and compassionate grounds but I am not very familiar with the rules. Roy will have to help here.

The problem Canada faces is 1 skilled worker brings a wife and children - then they request to bring 4 parents. None are contributing to the economy. That skilled worker really is not moving the economy forward, it is taking it backwards. One person´s taxes cannot support 7 - or even 4!

If all 115,000 skilled workers brought a wife, 2 kids and eventually sponsor 4 parents - what would happen?

So, the only option is to limit the annual allowance of non economic sponsorships. If the entire quota is taken up with wives and children... unfortunately, parents and grandparents are told to wait.

We could revert to the US or Australian system - no parental sponsorship at all!

This is a compromise, but unfortunately it may not be enough to satisfy everyone.

(in reply to: sponsoring parents)
I have always wondered about the economics of immigration.
I have always asked myself this question: Why is immigration allowed in the first place into developed countries? Lets face facts: Nothing happens in a ´market´ economy until its profitable.

So how are immigrants profitable to the ´market´ forces and why don´t people object about people coming in and taking their jobs etc.(though some do)?

I believe that the majority of immigrants form the base of the economic pyramid. Don´t get me wrong; many immigrants are well qualified and highly skilled but I am talking about majority.

Not only do they take up all most of the low-skill labour jobs that most orginal inhabitants don´t do, but they also form a vast ´consumer´ base. They buy stuff, pay rent etc.

But with the advent of ´global´ consumerism, when companies can feasibly sell their products anywhere in the world, the ´consumer´ benefit of immigrants might not be that inviting. But a worker will only work if he is reasonably happy; hence you gotta allow his wife and kids to come with him. I guess parents are not essential to his morale. Since most parents are old and not in the ´working´ age, they play no direct beneficial role to the Canadian economy. The ´consumer´ advantage is more than offset by the drain they will be on the ´health care´ and ´social security´ systems.

I think its a sad state of affairs. I think it reflects the insidious and indirect techniques ´rich´ countries use to exploit poor people in this age (instead of outright imperialism.

Go to factories, warehouses etc. and look at the kind of people who do all the back breaking jobs. and then have a look at where they live..run down buildings, crime infested neighbourhoods. Observe the way such people are treated in hospitals, by police etc. Because they are worth nothing as individuals...

Talk about quotas...talk about satisfaction...talk about statistics.

(in reply to: sponsoring parents)
When older children are happier knowing their parents will be protected they are more productive.

Get your parents into Canada on a visitor visa and have them submit a Humanitarian and Compassionate application. Technically 18-22 months


(in reply to: sponsoring parents)
Roy, does your suggestion mean that those who apply the conventional way, end up waiting longer because the HC cases fill the quota? Isn´t it que jumping?