Food Stamp programs

Canada Immigration Forum (discussion group)

Subject: Food Stamp programs
Is there a concept of Food stamps in Canada ? just curious.
I´m not sure how helpful the program is, but families of four earning under $2200 USD per month qualify for that, its supposed to make the essential commodities affordable for them.

(in reply to: Food Stamp programs)
there are several tax initiatives that kick into place in the lower income brackets, GST rebates, reduced medical insurance premiums etc.

food stamps specifically - no. Most cities operate a food bank which gives out food to families in need for free.

(in reply to: Food Stamp programs)
Ok great, good to know. I was searching for such material on the hrsdc website but I found most information pertaining to senior citizens. Can you please provide a link or something so that I can do some reading ?

I used this page....

and typed "low income subsidies"....


(in reply to: Food Stamp programs)
the programs vary from province to province and the programs would be embedded in the individual service.
(in reply to: Food Stamp programs)
Thanks for your help.
(in reply to: Food Stamp programs)
Raj what did you call that stuff you claimed you were drinking?

"BEER" Americans have Beer! WOW I learned something new today. LOL


(in reply to: Food Stamp programs)
hey Roy... be nice. 4% beer is still technically beer.

perhaps Raj could try and tell us what he is attempting to figure out, and we might be able to point him in a better direction.

are you trying to compare the quality of life for low income families?

I have a family member that is close to that income. (30,784 or there abouts - he works at a large grocery store and she stays home with the 2 kids) They live in a 2 bedroom apartment in a Vancouver suburb, 1 car, both kids are in sports, and they managed to go to Disneyland last year. She buys her clothes at consignment stores, and going out for dinner just does not happen... but they make it.

They get a childcare allowance from the federal government, their income tax is very low and they may even qualify for reduced medical expenses.

(in reply to: Food Stamp programs)
Roy, never think you know everything !! LOL

Sharon, I don´t take offense to Roy´s comments, I know he means good most of the time. Thanks for giving a true life and real data though, I appreciate it.

I was watching TV and they were showing how more families in the US are now claiming food stamps because of increasing cost of living, so I was just curious.

In the previous post I was trying to figure out something more serious though. Like where I live now the schools are well above average US standards (among the top in the US) and I can afford the schools here.... I was trying to figure out where in Canada will I find a comparative place and then wanted to compare housing costs.... I know its complicated, but you can never accuse me of doing less research can you ?

(in reply to: Food Stamp programs)
we have a standing joke in Canada about weak american beer.

one thing about the provincial public school system is the quality of teaching and standards are very consistent. Funding is set per student regardless of school location and there is no public discussion about the level of funding. There is no huge push to go off to private school unless you are a parent that may want religious education for your child. There really and truly is no sense of inferiority of education in the public system.

Our array of post secondary institutions seem to offer good quality education and as residents of Canada you pay significantly less tuition than an international student. I really don´t see Canadian graduates struggling to have their credentials recongnized within the country or around the world.

Do our schools have the brand recognition of Harvard or Yale? no. Niether do our colleges outside of Canada. But we never expect them to! They also don´t have the same tuition price tag.

(in reply to: Food Stamp programs)
I did not mean harvard or yale, and when I said education I meant just high schools. The public schooling in the US is not funded equally because the residents have a part in contributing to the schools, and consequently, richer neighborhoods have better standards of facilities etc, this is in general. You can go online and find out exactly how the schools is doing and there are official rankings, if there is a similar ranking in Canada then that will tell you that the quality of education differs there too.

Thats what I meant by affording good schools, because its tied to the housing cost, do you see that trend in Canada too.... do expensive places, or places where cost of owning a home is more in general have better schools ?

(in reply to: Food Stamp programs)
I know BC the best so that is the example I will use - each school district get X amount per student- it is based on enrollment, not the value of the houses around the school. I have a vice principle for a brother and he has worked on the ´rich´ side of town as well as the ´poor´ side of the city. In one school Asian families would buy property or leave their kids housed with relatives just to attend that school because of its overall reputation for high academic standings. He always found it a bit of a joke as the school spirit stunk and the only reason the marks were higher on average was because the kids did nothing but study. Extra curricular activities were non-existent and the list goes on. (for Vancouverites, I am talking Churchill). He also taught and VP´d on the east side. Marks from kids were not always the best, but the sports was great, music programs were great simply because parents appreciated that stuff more than the academic focused parent. Given the choice, he always maintained a student had a more well rounded and satisfying education in the ´poorer´ school.

Our east side school are some of the newest. Same teacher student ratios, same goverment exams etc. Besides, in Vancouver you can live anywhere and attend anywhere as long as there is room.

This is the Canadian way of funding our education. I can´t imagine it being any other way but I see why you now ask the question.

hope it helps.
