Mary's Case... Is it a Serious Enough Charge?

Canada Immigration Forum (discussion group)

Subject: Mary's Case... Is it a Serious Enough Charge?
  I am curious about Mary´s situation (a few threads below). Can someone clarify how serious an offense it is, if someone got arrested for public drunkenness. This is presuming no other complications as driving, assault or other property damage. Also, if it is a single offence, is that as serious as a multiple offence situation?
from please (in reply to: Mary's Case... Is it a Serious Enough Charge?)

it was only public drunkeness, no driving or assault charges! however when i was taken to the police station they searched my property and in my cigarette packet was a cannabis cigarette. so i was charged for canabis possession as well. they advised me not to drink alchol again untill my court date. on the night i left my husband i had 1 glass of wine to carm my nerves and he called the police on me (he knew i was not allowed to drink), so i have a breech of condition also! Immigration are fully aware of my situation and the circumstances surrounding this.....

does anyone know if they might grant me a temporary visa so i dont have to uproot my children again...

(in reply to: Mary's Case... Is it a Serious Enough Charge?)

If you get caught stealing a $2 box of chocolates from Walmart you will be charged for "Shop lifting".

If you get caught stealing a flat screen TV from Walmart you will be charged for "Shop lifting".

If you overstay your visa for 1 week or 3 months, next time you try to apply for one, it will be denied.

See the point?

As far as immigration goes, what is going to make a difference in any previous offences is the lenght of the sentence and/or fine when applicable.

If you click on the shortcut I gave to Mary, it will tell what is the process and criteria to apply for a pardon / rehab or what have you.


I am going to try to explain as simple as possible. Let see....

1- You have no status in Canada
2- You have been charged with: public drunkeness, possession and breech of condition.
So 1 + 2 = 3 Charges!

A Visa? a visa for what?

You are as inadmissible as it gets!!!!!Stop tell your self the reasons surrounding your actions. GROW UP, take responsability of your own actions and stop the madness.

CBSA doesn´t give a DAMN about what you consider "your" reasons. CBSA goes by the book and your reasons ARE NOT IN IT. The police record "talks" about your past and who you are.

The day you stop making excuses and you decide to make yourself familiar with the process and what is going to happen that day you will realize that the longer you take to do something about it, the less chances you have to be seeing as a "Humanitarian" case.

(in reply to: Mary's Case... Is it a Serious Enough Charge?)
You have a breach of conditions?
Than you obviously had another arrest prior.

If you have two summary convictions (misdemeanours)not stemming from the same incident, then you are inadmisable.

Now without getting fully into it on a forum, time elapsed since the offences, probation, fines etc... is your friend.

If this is a recent case (in the last ten years) then you are going to have to wait as you are inadmissable, but depending on the case/arrests/charges if a time of over ten years has elapsed you may be "deemed rehabilitated"


(in reply to: Mary's Case... Is it a Serious Enough Charge?)
guys, we are wasting our time. She does not want to hear the truth. She is fixated on using her children as a reason to stay. Too bad she did not use her children as motivation to stay out of trouble in the first place.

MARY, you may be facing 2 options, going back home with your kids or leaving them here with Daddy. Either way, you are going home by the looks of things.

Sharon, (in reply to: Mary's Case... Is it a Serious Enough Charge?)
After the last horrible comment you wrote, i thought just leave it!!! but after that you deserve a response :-

I requested information on this site and i have replied to messages where appropriate! You have not once given any advise but only criticism both times! What is your problem, have you never made mistakes! One thing is for sure and that is i am a good mother and it’s because i don’t want to up root them that i don’t want to leave, is that not a valid reason in your book? Obviously not!! it’s because i care about them that i don’t want to cause them any stress!

If I’d have met my fiancé in England then that’s where i would be staying in my home country, its because i met him here in Canada that ´he wants me to stay in his home country´!! What part of that don’t you get!! i don’t care what country I’m in as long as I’m with my family. He wants to stay in his country so i have only tried to accommodate!!!

Plus i am taking responsibility for my actions, who the hell said i wasn´t.

I made a few mistakes (yea theft) my husband beat the crap out of me and gave me no money ...that’s why. Why I should even have to explain myself to you. it is not an excuse!!!

i am a good person (who made a few mistakes) and Sharon you have no right to judge!!!!!

i wonder if Sharon is a fat sat behind her desk with nothing else to do? than pick on immigration forum guests!!!

You said horrible things about me and presumed ///in your words.....

´Guys, we are wasting our time. She does not want to hear the truth. She is fixated on using her children as a reason to stay

So I’m presuming that about you.......hurts doesn´t it!!!

And don’t bother replying as i don’t need any more of your insults. Everyone else has been great but with a few harsh words!!! but Sharon ´ what was the point´ you never gave any advise just mean words!!!

Question anyone? (in reply to: Mary's Case... Is it a Serious Enough Charge?)
OH....and all i eva really wanted to know was.....did any one have any information about Temporary Residence Permits, i wanted to know if they eva get approved if someone has a criminal record?

I wonder if anyone will answer this?

Temp res visa´s are a last resort for people with a criminal record to possibly get ´to stay´ and if they are approved after 5 years your are eligible for perminant residence (if you havn´t been in any trouble).

Does anyone know what are the odds are ? or do they know anyone who has been given one (who has a criminal record).

(in reply to: Mary's Case... Is it a Serious Enough Charge?)
Oh yea ´ do something about it´ well i have contacted a lawyer and they have said that i have already done everything that i can do and i am just to await an answer! all they can do is appeal (if deportation is in order) right?
I didn´t want to get a lawyer involved as i didn´t want to piss my immigration officer off!! its his decsion and i should leave that up to him.

(in reply to: Mary's Case... Is it a Serious Enough Charge?)
don´t ask for an opinion if you don´t want to hear one. Don´t tell your sad story if you don´t want your sad story challenged.

NO, TRP are not approved for people with criminal records - that is the 3rd time you have recieved the same answer.

Since when are TRV a last resort?

(in reply to: Mary's Case... Is it a Serious Enough Charge?)
Some of you here in answering Mary are totally inappropiate, arrogant, and out of line. You have no business telling anyone to "grow up". Look, Mary´s very worried that she might not be able to stay with her family in Canada - justifably so. She came here for help, not condemnation.

Mary always has the option to appeal any potential deportation decision based on the circumstances of her case. No one here can judge the details and outcome of that. And no one here should be casting any aspersions on immigrants who come here simply for help and guidence out of self satisfaction in one´s one secure status.

Afterall, helping people (with politeness and empathy) is what this forum is all about. My 2 cents.

(in reply to: Mary's Case... Is it a Serious Enough Charge?)
Sharon, you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about because if you did, you would know that (Temporary ´resident Permits´) are designed for people who are medically ´or´ criminally inadmissible. They used to be called minister visas because a minister had to approve them because of any circumstances surrounding the request!
i originally wanted to know ´how often they were excepted´ and if anyone knew what my chances were of getting excepted with the letter that I left, ‘ thanks for any interesting answer that i got!
(if I’m to blame for anything it was wording my question wrong) I did get some helpful advice and that was the ´time was my friend’ comment from the forum, like I said anything ‘you’ have ever said has been total criticism and that’s all.
Thanks Richard for everything you have said to me, your kind words are a real help at this time especially when you are crucified on a forum for asking a few questions. Richard your great! x
