Canadian IOmmigration vs Australian

Canada Immigration Forum (discussion group)

Subject: Canadian IOmmigration vs Australian
Any thoughts on Canadian IOmmigration vs Australian Immigration?
Which one better for new immigrants?

(in reply to: Canadian IOmmigration vs Australian)
(in reply to: Canadian IOmmigration vs Australian)
How many people do you know who have done both????? Who knows??
(in reply to: Canadian IOmmigration vs Australian)
Actually - I have. I became a PR in Australia through my Aussie husband. We have since decided to migrate to Canada - and he has applied for the Canadian PR. They are both pretty similar.
Canadian Immigration vs Australia (in reply to: Canadian IOmmigration vs Australian)

Zak Khan
Canadian Immigration vs Australian (in reply to: Canadian IOmmigration vs Australian)
I am an Australia Citizen with Canadian PR. I applied for Canada because I have extensive family in Toronto. I have since dropped the idea of migration for a variety of reasons.

Foremost being the economy. Canada has very high level of unemployment (7.5%+) and underemployment compared to Australia´s 5.3%. From speaking to a large number of recent migrants, racism in the workplace seems rife. People of color with good experience and qualifications drive taxis and deliver pizzas because they dont have "Canadian Experience". A lot of people chose to migrate to Canada because of the perception that it is "like the USA" because of physical proximity. Canada is nothing like the US... I have lived in the USA for a decade.

Secondly, I found the weather being pretty atrocious. 9 months of the year Toronto is either very cold or bloody cold. Unless you like little sunlight and love staying indoors, I would advise against Canada.

Australia is a great place... awesome weather, great economy. But Aus migration rules are about 10 times as tough as Canada. Happy to help anyone with questions they may have.

Zak Khan
Re: Zak Khan (in reply to: Canadian IOmmigration vs Australian)
I have never heard anyone exaggerate like you just did Zak Khan. You seem to have something against Canada.

Toronto is very cold for 9 months of the year?! Apparently you have never stayed here for very long as it gets quite hot and stays that way for a lot longer than 3 months. Also, winter is a lot of fun. Maybe you haven´t noticed how popular Hockey, skating, skiing and other winter sports are up here. It´s too bad you can´t enjoy them in Australia like we can.

Also, do your homework on the Canadian economy before you talk about it. the unemployment rate is not over 7.5%, it is 7.3 percent and dropping.

From Statistics Canada: "Job growth over the first 11 months of 2004 is up 1.2%, with an average increase of 18,000 per month. This is slightly below the performance of the same period in 2003, when employment grew by 1.5% with an average gain of 22,000 per month. However, while employment growth in 2003 was in both full time and part time, all of the gains so far in 2004 have been in full-time jobs."

Andrew Filipe
Re: (in reply to: Canadian IOmmigration vs Australian)
I also want to point out that racism is a problem everywhere, and it is not worse in Canada than in Australia. I would wager that the opposite is true.

Toronto has the highest level of immigrants per capita of any city in the world, at over half the total population. 52% of Toronto´s citizens are foreign born, far more than Sydney or even New York.

The UN Human Resources Developement Index has also reported on the successful integration of migrants in Canada´s major cities in comparison to other western countries, and Canada remains the most multi-cultural society on Earth.

Yes there are immigrants who are underpaid and/or over-qualified for the work they are doing. That is a serious problem, but it is a problem facing much of the western world. Go to New York City and tell me you don´t see taxi drivers who have emmigrated from elsewhere looking for a better job.

To say "racism is rife" in Canada is to misunderstand Canada completely.

Andrew Filipe
Canadian Ommigration vs Australian (in reply to: Canadian IOmmigration vs Australian)

I am a South African Citizen, who has lived in and obtained PR in New Zealand, I am currently working and living in Sydney... Strangely though when my family and I lived New Zealand we loved the lifestyle, I was offered a post in Sydney through my work and we made the decision to move, its been nearly two years living in Sydney and life is good over here but I still really mis the lifestyle in New Zealand, as a family we came to love the colder climate and snow season... the only downside to New Zealand is the economy which sad to say is quite niche and complex, the type of environment where you are almost certain to get a job if someone introduces you. Having experienced the cultures for New Zealand and Australia I am contemplating settling in Canada specificaly Toronto this for a number of reasons mostly we love a colder climate and winter sports are excellent, as well as we have family in Toronto which makes it a plus... so I guese if anyone has any feedback as to the type of lifestyle Toronto has to offer I´d love to hear about it.


Re: Canada v Australia and Exaggeration (in reply to: Canadian IOmmigration vs Australian)

Zak Khan
Re: Canadian Immigration v Australian (in reply to: Canadian IOmmigration vs Australian)

You must be a used car salesman. I have never seen anyone twist the facts around so blatantly! :) I have nothing against Canada or its people. However, this is a discussion forum where people have different points of view and it is imperative that would-be immigrants hear the truth.

The difference between 7.5% and 7.3% is very small. That is hardly an exagerration and can be attributed to a statistical margin of error. Canadians like to compare themselves to Americans as a national hobby. 7.3% is very high unemployment rate compared to the US´s 5% or Australia´s near below 5% rate.

You mention 20,000 jobs being created every month. You forget to mention that roughly 20,000 new immigrants add to the pool of people searching for employment, thus 20,000 jobs does not change the status quo.

For those who like the cold, Canada is great. Let me ask you something. What is your "vision" of Paradise? Is it long sandy beaches and warm sun (akin to Australia) or 10 incheas of snow and -30 degree ice box weather (akin to Canada)? Now be honest.

Cold is a relative term. To me, anything below 10 degrees is cold. That´s where I got my 9 months of Canadian winter from. We´re in Autumn here, and its still 25 degrees. You´re in Spring and still have below 0 temperatures.

You mention you would like to wager that Australia is more racist than Canada. I would wager you havent set foot outside North America, so you are hardly in a position to discuss this.

As for the UN Index, you also forgot to mention that while Canada´s ratings have steadily declined over the last few years, Australia´s are on the up and up. Whereas Canada is ridiculed by the US on a daily basis, Australia is held in great respect.

Zak Khan